Wednesday 2 July 2014

How to diet after a Gastric Bypass Surgery

You need to undergo a Gastric Bypass Surgery ASAP. It means that your stomach size will be made smaller from its size now. Some parts will be made smaller by closing off with the staples. Only after 3 to 4 months of the operation that the system would be back to normal, the body would be able to adapt new digestive processes.
 Gastric Bypass Surgery

The doctor, nurse and dietician will instruct and educate you about the proper way and right foods that you should eat and avoid. You should follow strict dietary instructions, the
Gastric bypass diet. It is especially made for people who are in recovery stage after a gastric bypass surgery. A gastric bypass diet emphasizes the kind and the amount of food you are allowed to eat in every meal.

Gastric bypass diet helps in the healing of staple in your stomach hence no stretching in the stomach that will happen while you eat. Gastric bypass diet also trains you not to eat in bulk but in smaller amount of foods that the can stomach easily and safely digest. It prevents you from untoward post operative complications and side effects. Also it helps in losing some weights.

Gastric bypass diet has distinct nutritional stages that will help you back in your normal solid food regimen. Your pace in moving from one stage to the next greatly relies in the healing capabilities and the adaptability of your systems.

Stage 1.
Strictly liquids only, few days post operation, no solid food intake is allowed but only all in liquids. Such as water, broth, milk, unsweetened juice and strained cream soup. Fluids must be sipped gradually, slowly and only for about 2 to 3 ounces (59 to 89ml). Liquids containing caffeine and sodas are discouraged.

Pureed foods:  If liquids are tolerated well then this is a good sign that you can proceed to real food provided that these are pureed well. Within two weeks to one month duration, you can start now with foods having the consistency of a paste. The blender plays great role here. To puree your food, these are suggested solid foods that will blend well such as lean ground meats, beans, cottage cheese, soft fruits, vegetables, yogurt, egg whites and fish. Blend those solid foods with a liquid such as fat free milk, sugar free juice, water and fat free gravy. Some precaution must be taken; the digestive system might still be able to adjust to spicy foods and dairy products. Take it in slow and in small amount.

Soft foods only:  After the doctor sees your recovery, coping and adaptability and feels you are ready for more, the doctor now encourage you for solid foods that are soft into your diet. Best food choices for this stage are canned fruits, sliced meat and cooked vegetables. You are allowed to eat only soft foods for about eight weeks before adding something more.

Solid foods:  Approximately two to three months or more on gastric bypass diet, you can gradually go back for firmer food intake. It is normal to feel the difficulty of eating spicy foods, or food in a rough and crunchy textures. You can start from regular foods, be slow and try new foods one at a time, don’t be in hurry. Some foods are hard to be tolerated and afraid to be the cause of some gastrointestinal complications. Eating of these foods must be consulted first to the doctor. These are nuts and seeds, popcorn, dried fruits, sodas, carbonated drinks, granola, broccoli, corn and cabbage, corn, tough meats, meats with gristle and breads.

Time heals all wounds, for three to four months after a weight loss surgery; you can slowly go back to desired normal healthy diet. Depending on how your system reacts and tolerate to those foods. There is a big possibility that those foods which at first intolerable to your stomach after surgery may turn out to be more tolerable as the stomach improves and progresses its condition.

Throughout the stages, to ensure exact vitamins and minerals and maintain weight loss objective, at each stage of the gastric bypass diet, you should, maintain small meals. Have a right prescribe doze of vitamins and mineral supplements. Liquids must be in between meals. Eat and drink in slow motion. Chew foods correctly. Don’t be in hurry; try new foods one at a time. Give more attention to high protein foods. This promotes fast recovery. Always say no to foods high in fats and sugar.

About Author:
Jee Ivan is a mother of two who just love to write about diet, weight loss, health and fitness related article, follow her on her blog or on her facebook page to get the latest update.